Leeds Gay Men Community run group

This is a group for gay and bisexual men in Leeds. We organise fun social events and provide an additional option to the commercial scene. We want to create an environment in which gay and bisexual men can meet, relax and make friends while having a great time together.

To join, go to http://www.meetup.com/LGMGroup/ and register so you can see all of the social events/meetups that have been planned and add yourself to whichever meetup appeals to you. You can now also like us on Facebook!

Any member of the group can propose a meetup and we hold a wide and varied range of interesting, exciting or just plain fun events.

By joining you are not committing to anything. Meetup will automatically send you e-mails about our events and it's up to you which ones you attend. Leeds Gay Men is not a cruising or dating group. With over 600 members, give it a try!