Welcome to the Vacancies section of Yorkshire MESMAC's website. All of our vacancies for staff will be posted here as they arise.
Yorkshire MESMAC is a great place to work. We value our staff team; building a package of policies, perks and process to embed this value into the day to day work experience. We are proud of our strong Visions, Mission and Values, developed collectively and owned by the team. Yorkshire MESMAC policies are reviewed by the staff team during development to maintain our sense of ownership.
Staff members have the flexibility to deliver their hours across the week in the way that best meets the needs of service users and their own needs. For example, starting late to drop children off or working till 7pm to support a community group. Many staff are able to deliver some work from home.
Yorkshire MESMAC aims to recruit people who are from the communities we work with, it is one of our core beliefs that people are the experts in our own lives and with knowledge, resources and skills we can affect change. We recruit for diversity and have committed to the ACEVO eight principles. Our recruitment processes remove opportunities for unconscious bias and we value potential as well as experience. Experience in the home, volunteering and in non-traditional workplaces are placed on equal footing to qualifications and academia. We prioritise safer recruitment, service users are always part of the recruitment process. We are happy to consider requests for job share, secondments or part-time hours for many posts. Please enquire at application.
Yorkshire MESMAC is a learning organisation supporting opportunities for staff development. We consider apprenticeships where possible and appropriate as vacancies arise. Each member of staff has our own training budget. Some recent training courses staff have chosen to attend include: leadership for people of colour, becoming an exceptional manager, mental health first aid. The Operations Manager HR oversees organisational learning needs arranging events to meet these needs e.g. our twice yearly focus days which have included learning about community development, getting to zero: HIV prevention, working with autism.
For staff working with community members we provide a regular reflective and safeguarding supervision offer, which can be supported by external specialist provision where necessary. Staff wellbeing is supported by a formal membership of a health care scheme: Pay care additions. This scheme includes 24/7 GP phone line, face to face counselling sessions, financial support line. We are members of a cycle to work scheme making buying a bike more affordable and accessible.
We hold relevant awards for our practices:
- Investors in people since 2007
- Disability confident employer
- Mindful employer
- Living wage employer
- White ribbon
MESMAC & Unite the union met on 22/07/22 and formalised recognition of Unite the union at MESMAC. Both MESMAC and Unite the Union look forward to a productive working relationship moving forward.