New Workshops
posted by Jess Wynn
on 02nd February 2017

Read on for some new workshops that we'll be running.

Be Resilient- A one-off workshop for HIV positive people

Dealing with being HIV+ is an ongoing process – it doesn’t go away once you are undetectable or fully out as positive.  The way we think about things affects the way we handle situations and relationships and this can impact negatively on our mental and physical health.

The workshop will introduce techniques and strategies which can be effectively utilised to deal with setbacks and to build and reinforce our emotional resilience. 

It includes:

  • An introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation.
  • How to use breathing techniques to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • The impact that our thoughts and beliefs can have on our general wellbeing – for good and bad.
  • The origins and use of positive affirmation and power of the mind.
  • An introduction to visualisation and mental rehearsal for change, confidence and empowerment.

This workshop is available in Bradford 2/2/17 3.30-5.30pm, Leeds 9/2/17 6.00-8.00pm, York 16/2/17 6.00-8.00pm and Hull 21/2/17 6.00-8.00pm.

Tel: 077719 31 327 or e-mail for details.

Mental health wellbeing sessions

Trans mental health wellbeing sessions and open LGBT* mental health wellbeing sessions held monthly In Bradford Tel: 077719 31 327 or e-mail for details.

Mindfulness workshops

Mindfulness workshop (for all LGBT* people) and Transcending Transition workshop (for Trans* and gender variant people) – 4 weeks starting March 2017 in Bradford Tel: 077719 31 327 or e-mail for details.

Please also let us know if you would be interested if these groups and workshops were available in your locality.